Lance talked about George’s win at Kuurne Brussels Kuurne and said that he thinks this is gonna be George’s No Chain year. Of course, they are all delighted that this is the first win for the D-Team, and Discovery Channel is really happy. Lance had a lotta praise for Stijn’s hard-working attacks that wore out most of the remaining riders. Lance said (and I didn’t know this) that Dirk Demol is from Kuurne, so the win meant so much to him, in his hometown... Especially since he swore that he was going to get sporting revenge for the Het Volk loss.
Lance said he is leaving Wednesday and will do Paris-Nice on Sunday - said he hasn’t been on a TT bike since last year’s Tour. Higgs suggested that maybe Lance just might consider riding this TT bike today when training... They talked a bit about this year’s TdF, and Lance pointed out that there are three uphill finishes....
A caller question was what sport is Lance not good at - La replied that he sucks at basketball, golf, baseball and football. Higgs didn’t think that Lance sucked at golf, but Lance says he’s given it up.. Another question was did Lance have a third book coming out, and he said right now there are no plans for a third book. Higgs did say that there could possibly be some kind of mini version of the Lance Chronicles this year, but nothing is officially set up with OLN yet.
Since next Sunday, Lance will be doing Paris-Nice, they are have to figure out what they will do about the Sirius show. There’s about a nine-hour time difference from here in the West Coast, so from Austin or NY, showtime is in the wee hours in France. (it’s at 6pm where I live).
OK, gang, that’s all I remember about the show. Next Sunday, I’m gonna be driving back from the McLane (every time I type this, I type McLance - duh) Pacific in Merced, but I’ll tape the show and give it a listen when I get home.
I saw another fansite, or rather a blog, that is using a photo from my smugmug gallery. Notice I didn't say "stealing", but some photographers call it that. Most folks know that if you want to use a photo, common courtesy is that you write to the photographer and ask first, and then you give that photographer credit by putting their name under the photo. Most of us will say OK to fans or team riders who want a freebie, but most of us get a little annoyed to find our photos strung all over the Net without at least a credit to our work.
I send my photos to the D-team guys for their sites - it's the right thing to do, and I would never expect them to pay or anything. It's my way of saying thanks... But this site was a French Lance fan site, and there was one of my Solvang photos of Lance (plus a lot of photos lifted from other sources). Last year, another personal site took a whole bunch of my 2004 Tour de France Village Depart photos and gave them cute names that had little or nothing to do with cycling. So.... I just bought a watermarking software program and guess I will have to go that route this cycling season.