Velogal's Blog

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Been neglecting my Blog again. I am getting ready to head out for Philly on Sunday, the 30th at o'dark thirty in the morning. I work in Race Headquarters and also am the "Food Police" for the team meals. Basically, this year, I will escort the European teams to their meals and make sure that they get what they need, that nobody bothers them and that nobody sneaks in to eat freebies. Then I also coordinate and supervise the volunteer course marshals at each of the three races.

Early in the morning on race day, we meet with the volunteers to train them, give them their freebies and tell them where their posts will be. After that, it is racing around the course to trouble-shoot any potential problems, and to give lunch and water to the volunteers. There are many great volunteers in Philly - dedicated folks who come back every year, and we love them!

And there are a very few who show up just to get a tee shirt and lunch, then take off. I try to remember them so I won't assign them to a crucial post and then find out, when I do my last minute tour of the course, that the spot is empty. Last year, I assigned a couple of guys to the start/finish line area, and by the time I had packed up the leftover tee shirts, etc, and walked out to the course, they were sitting up in the stands. I asked them what they were doing, and they just shrugged and said they didn't feel like voluntering any more. I felt like making them give the course marshal tee shirts back!

But most folks are just great. You know, they stand out on the course for hours, rain or shine. They sometimes take a lot of crap from drivers who are angry about detours or not getting to cross the course. But when the riders fly by just a few feet away, and the crowd roars, it is all worth it to know that you are an important part of the race. We could not put on a race without those special volunteers, and I thank you in advance if you have signed up. If not, come on out and be a part of the race. You are essential to keeping the riders safe....


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