Velogal's Blog

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Well, I am heading up to SF this morning to work in race headquarters and help to get this massive project underway. The Expo will run on Saturday this year, so that is really cool. It's hard to tear yourself away from the race to see the Expo on Sunday.

Look for some of my great collectible original SFGP posters in the LAF booth - buy one and donate at the same time! Remember the posters? Bright orange with Lance predominately featured - they look great in a black frame.

Well, I am having the usual round of spoof/fraud emails from the haters - they sign some fake name, or even sign velogal, and attempt to send the latest virus to me. Maybe to others, too - I don't know. But they are so dumb - it doesn't work because Earthlink filters out and deletes all viruses before they even get into my mailbox. And by now, all of you know that I never send out mass mailings, and never, never any attachments. So if you get something purportedly from me with an attachment, delete it.

And to the haters, Get A Life. Lance never even knows about your crap, and it doesn't bother him one iota. If your hate spreads to me as just a fan club person, then you are pretty sicko...


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