Velogal's Blog

Saturday, June 19, 2004

It was a day of hard racing today at Redlands. The haze was so thick that it actually shows in my photographs. I took a lot of shots, but it was one of those days where nothing seemed to be a good shot. I had a press credential, so I was driven around the course and dropped off wherever I wanted to shoot, and then picked up the next lap to go somewhere else. The vehicle was full of photographers and we were all jumping out and then running like hell to catch the van again the next lap. The Redlands race organizers are great about providing transportation around the course for the Media folks.

I chatted it up with Damon, Dave Z, Tony and Patrick before the race. I felt bad for the guys – there was no team car and no support people for them. Family members and friends did the feed zone for the guys – Tony Cruz had a bunch of great people there, both Damon and Dave Z had their girlfriends and Patrick’s parents were there. Those that did not feed were the cheering squad. They did not need me to do the feed zone, so I shot pics. But Jelly Belly, Webcor and others had team cars, DS and soigneurs, however the Posties were all on their own today for their shot at the Olympics. It just didn’t seem right to me…

I’m too fried to put up my pics tonight, so I will do it tomorrow after I get home. I have an early flight back to San Jose in the morning. It really takes along time to go thru hundreds of shots and pick out the presentable ones, then upload them a few at a time, and then go back a write a caption, or even just names, for each one. It takes forever, it seems like, at the end of a long day. It is the same thing when I write my daily report for Lance’s site from the Tour. I am usually up till midnight or later getting it written and sent. It feels like it takes me hours on my laptop. Then up about 5 am to drive to the start of the next stage. Wow - I’ll be heading over to Paris very soon!


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