Velogal's Blog

Sunday, May 08, 2005

OK - the Cat’s Hill Crit was a great success, with almost 700 registered racers! All the volunteers in our Los Gatos Racing Club should be really proud for having completed such a successful event. I’m no different than anyone else in the club, and I worked my rear end off for two days. From buying umpteen cases of water at Costco (loading and unloading them), and, along with another gal, picking boxes up 500 water bottles at Specialized, folding race brochures, all kinds of go-fer chores, then helping sweep the course, and hang banners on Friday night.

Saturday race morning began at 6 am on the course, and along with a dozens of wonderful, hardworking club volunteers doing a myriad of crucial jobs, I was setting up expo tents, putting up snow fencing with zip ties, and hanging sponsor banners. Race time and (not magically, but due to hard work) everything was in place.

Then, for the rest of the day, I was doing the podium photography, and it was a much more difficult chore than I expected. Remember we had both genders racing from juniors age 10-12, through masters age categories thru elite races. Trying to get three people to the podium area all at once, and get one or two of them to stay there while waiting for someone else was a real challenge: winners are elated, but also tired and hungry, and hanging around to wait for photos isn’t the most fun thing for them, either, especially when I was trying to stay on a schedule. Behind the podium is pretty chaotic, because that is the area where the results are posted and rider registration occurs throughout the racing day.

I am going to start going through my photos right now, and try to get them uploaded on my smugmug gallery. Should be up in a couple of hours.

But, how about our DC team yesterday in the Giro TT Prologue? Paolo comes in 4th, just 0.01 down, which is fantastic. Look at these guys! Michael at 15th, just 0.03 back, and Ryder at 0.04 back, then Pavel and Volodymyr at 0.05 and Tom at 0.07? That’s damn good riding for those guys in a TT! Way to go, and I’m keeping tabs on Stage One right now... And.... Paolo places 11th - only 0.04 back. He's really motivated and looking good!


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